The Sandton Park Home Owners Association Committee Executive (SPHOA) and it’s 3 Sub-Committees (Projects and Technical Works, Finance and Legal) is a team of 22 Home Owners of Sandton Park from all Phases of the development with the requisite technical and professional experience to serve in their relevant Committees under the Association. Profiles of the team are detailed below and the team has been working tirelessly behind the scenes since March 2023 engaging all relevant stakeholders to further development of Sandton Park.
Updates from the committee are given as conclusive agendas are solidified and can be found on our DEVELOPMENT UPDATES PAGE and much is going on behind the scenes in dealing with for storm water drainage challenges and associated culverts, road repairs graveling, surfacing and subsequent installations such as signage and boom gate in Sandton Park.
These 3 technical teams have representatives from all Phases across Sandton Park and are coordinating behind the scenes with all relevant stakeholders putting in place what’s needed technically and regulatory with the target of embarking on road works this November 2023 funded by Home Owner Levies which commenced in July 2023.
Following this link to get more information on registration and LEVY PAYMENT DETAILS

The operational offices of the Sandton Park Home Owners Association (SPHOA) are the Law Offices of our administrative lawyers:
Mundieta & Wagoneka-Madzivanyika Law Chambers
74 Cork Road
Kensington, Harare
Payments are held in trust by the lawyers and accounted for both by the SPHOA and the Legal Accountants for transparency, and funds are administered through formal trust procedures for any works payments to be made. Statements will be published monthly by the lawyers and posted on the SPHOA website.